Co-owner and CEO at Digital One (www.digitalone.pl) - one of the first interactive agencies on the Polish market, founded in 1999, His responsibilities involve mainly business and strategic decisions as well as ensuring adequate policy for the development of the agency. Cofounder of Digital One BPO (bpo.digitalone.pl) – a company established to provide high quality digital production services for multinational companies operating on several markets with broad portfolio of international brands. Founder of Filmteractive – an international event devoted to audiovisual arts and business in the age of digital media (www.filmteractive.eu). Throughout the years Olgierd Cygan has conducted numerous other functions, such as: founding member of the Media Klaster Foundation (www.mediaklaster.pl), board member of the Society of Advertising Agencies (SAR - www.sar.org.pl), president at Interactive Advertising Bureau Poland (www.iabpolska.pl), judge at the Advertising Ethics Commission (www.radareklamy.pl) and recently co-founder of BEEMAA - an international branch organization of Branded Entertainment, initiated during DISCOP 2014 fair in Istanbul, Turkey.
Co-owner and CEO at Digital One (www.digitalone.pl) - one of the first interactive agencies on the Polish market, founded in 1999, His responsibilities involve mainly business and strategic decisions as well as ensuring adequate policy for the development of the agency. Cofounder of Digital One BPO (bpo.digitalone.pl) – a company established to provide high quality digital production services for multinational companies operating on several markets with broad portfolio of international brands. Founder of Filmteractive – an international event devoted to audiovisual arts and business in the age of digital media (www.filmteractive.eu). Throughout the years Olgierd Cygan has conducted numerous other functions, such as: founding member of the Media Klaster Foundation (www.mediaklaster.pl), board member of the Society of Advertising Agencies (SAR - www.sar.org.pl), president at Interactive Advertising Bureau Poland (www.iabpolska.pl), judge at the Advertising Ethics Commission (www.radareklamy.pl) and recently co-founder of BEEMAA - an international branch organization of Branded Entertainment, initiated during DISCOP 2014 fair in Istanbul, Turkey.
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