18 September

Experienced Internet Licensing Specialist at Filmteractive Festival 2014!

Anna Zakrzewska-Biczyk, Internet Licensing Specialist (ZAiKS)

Adapting to the main theme of Filmteractive Festival 2014, which is distribution of audiovisual works in the Internet era, Anna will present: New ways of distribution, new ways of licencing. It’s a great occasion to learn how copyrights are being adapted to the dynamically changing ways of content presentation on the Web and which legal issues are most important in this proces.

ZAIKS, founded in 1918, is an union of Polish authors, which from nearly a century supports creators and protects their works. This non-profit organisation not only helps artists receive their remunerations but also takes care of social activities for them.

Anna’s presentation will be held in Polish.

To learn more about Anna visit: filmteractive.eu/speakers-anna-zakrzewska.php
12 September

Videoblogging discussion panel at Filmteractive Festival 2014!

Paulina Mikuła, Radosław Kotarski and Łukasz Jakóbiak – Filmteractive Festival speakers

Paulina, Radosław and Łukasz will talk about: Videoblogging as an alternative to traditional video distribution

To learn more about Paulina visit: filmteractive.eu/speakers-paulina-mikula.php
To learn more about Radosław visit: filmteractive.eu/speakers-radoslaw-kotarski.php
To learn more about Łukasz visit: filmteractive.eu/speakers-lukasz-jakobiak.php
05 September

Creators of webseries „Horda” at Filmteractive Festival 2014!

Wiktor Kiełczykowski and Szymon Szymański – Filmteractive Festival speakers

Wiktor and Szymon will present: Creating a web series along with the community of future Youtube viewers. From the idea to the finished product.

To learn more about Wiktor visit: filmteractive.eu/speakers-wiktor-kielczykowski.php
To learn more about Szymon visit: filmteractive.eu/speakers-szymon-szymanski.php
8 August

Meet Filmteractive Festival speaker Johnny Webb form Sundog Pictures (UK)!

Meet Filmteractive Festival speaker Johnny Webb form Sundog Pictures (UK)!
He is going to present his documentary "Breaking the Taboo" which was distributed via YouTube. Just to remind you - participation in Festival is free of charge.

Johnny is Co-Founder and MD of independent production company, Sundog Pictures, with business partner Sam Branson. He is passionate about bringing new audiences to important subjects to empower and inform and ultimately arm people with more choice in their lives. Johnny Executive Produced Breaking the Taboo, Sundog’s first feature documentary on the failed war on drugs and is working on the next film about population. He brokered a new deal with YouTube whereby the film was released globally for a month and achieved nearly 800,000 views.Johnny loves stories wherever they live and is also evolving a branded documentary division within the business to help companies and brands tell authentic stories - particularly around the theme of business as a force for good.

Prior to Sundog, Johnny was a broadcaster, running Virgin Media TV in the UK.
NDPC Chimney Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Polskie badania internetu Polskie badania internetu GoldBach Audience TVP Media Klaster Polskie badania internetu ZAIKS Polskie badania internetu Polskie badania internetu British Council Promote’s lodzkie Digital One evio Szkoła filmowa SocialPress Virgin Mercedes Cross video days TransformatLab Learn Do Share institute of documentary film TransmediaNext Audiowizualni KIPA IAB Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny SAR BEO Subvertising FilmPro Interaktywnie M&MP Purpose TELEPRO TOYA Interia MMPonline Łódź film commission Onet.pl Gazeta.pl Portal Społeczności Kreatywnej Radio Łódź Radio Czwórka Wojewoda Łódzki Jolanta Chełmińska Marszałek Województwa Łódzkiego