In 2011 & 2012, we were supported by Pepsi, Adobe Systems and Canal+.

In 2013 our main sponsors were Pepsi, Onet.pl and HBO.

In 2014 Digital One, Chimney and Evio.

If you want to join the company and help us build something extraordinary in 2015, contact us via e-mail. We are offering an array of promotional activities. The final shape of the cooperation is arranged individually, so that our partners’ and our own needs are fully met.

Sponsor support:
Agata Lepianka
Tel. +48 883 699 959

You can also support Filmteractive with media activities.

Our media partners in 2011 and 2012 were Bloomberg Businessweek Polska, Gazeta.pl, Ipla.tv, Onet.pl, TVP, and Wprost among others.

Our media partners in 2013 were TVP.pl, BEO, FILMPRO, SUBVERTISING, Gazeta.pl, Radio Łódź and interaktywnie.com among others.

The media patronage includes:
  • Logotype in the Festival promotional campaign (Internet, website, Facebook)
  • Logotype in the conference packs (including the dedicated logotype folder)
  • Possibility to set up a roll-up during the event
  • Possibility to add promotional materials to the conference packs
  • Invitation for the Festival (including accompanying events), and others
Our cooperation with media is adjusted individually to the needs of our partners.

Media patronage:
Magdalena Gronert
Tel.: +48 530 038 546

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