Filmteractive Festival is a unique combination of art, film and new technologies. It is a part devoted to digital creators and artists. The aim of the Filmteractive Festival is to promote digital art. We want to show this relatively new branch of art to the public, explain them what it is and maybe encourage them to create their own unique projects. Therefore, the participation in the Festival is free of charge.

Our focus in 2014 was the distribution of A/V works in the Internet era. Participation in Festival is FREE OF CHARGE.

Register here for the Festival.


National Film School in Lodz
ul. Targowa 61/63. Łódz / www.filmschool.lodz.pl
The most prestigious Film School in Europe is situated at Targowa Strett 61/63 in Lodz. This is the centre of film life in Lodz and in Poland. Among the best known graduates are: Andrzej Wajda and Roman Polanski.
NDPC Chimney Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Polskie badania internetu Polskie badania internetu GoldBach Audience TVP Media Klaster Polskie badania internetu ZAIKS Polskie badania internetu Polskie badania internetu British Council Promote’s lodzkie Digital One evio Szkoła filmowa SocialPress Virgin Mercedes Cross video days TransformatLab Learn Do Share institute of documentary film TransmediaNext Audiowizualni KIPA IAB Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny SAR BEO Subvertising FilmPro Interaktywnie M&MP Purpose TELEPRO TOYA Interia MMPonline Łódź film commission Onet.pl Gazeta.pl Portal Społeczności Kreatywnej Radio Łódź Radio Czwórka Wojewoda Łódzki Jolanta Chełmińska Marszałek Województwa Łódzkiego