PBI - Polish Internet Research (Poland)

Expert on electronic media and Internet. Since 2005 Andrzej is the President of the Board of Polish Internet Research – organizer and owner of the project Megapanel –concentrating on standards of website testing and web applications in Poland.

During his tenure, the Company PBI launched dozens of research projects related to the use of networks in everyday life, in advertising and in marketing. He is the head of Megapanel PBI Research/Gemius Board and the arbiter of the Commission of Ethics in Advertising.

He was a member of the Programme Councils by a series of conferences on research and the Internet. Author of several articles and publications on Internet research and Internet marketing. Collegium Civitas, AGH University of Science and Technology and Łazarski University lecturer.

He repeatedly appeared on Polish and international conferences on the Internet, research and Internet marketing.

In the earlier stages of his career, he was preparing his PhD in zoology in Munich and Basel, defended at Polish Academy of Sciences. He was also a journalist, TV producer, TV news publischer, and in years 2001-2005 he was a contracted freelancer in Associeted Press Television News.
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