Crowley Media (POLAND)
Member of the Board

Crowley Media is a company specialising in social media video and is the creator of VPUZZLER.COM – social microstock service. Michał is also a Collegium Cavitac lecturer specialising in media convergence. He worked for Netia company and for their Internet service Internetia.pl (in cooperation with BBC). He created websites for HBO and Radio Zet. He was also the first director of the Polish Television (TVP) New Media Department, he worked on the first steps of TVP in the Internet. Michał has launched first mobile transmissions for TVP (together with Polkomtel) and also connected TV projects together with Samsung and Sony. Michał is an author of interactive strategies for media companies. He specialises in strategic consulting service in new media, he cooperates with National Audiovisual Institute (NInA). Together with Michał Komar he is the co-author of iPSB project – Polish Biographical Dictionary in Internet, the project is under the patronage of the President of Poland.
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