Johan Fernstedt
Chimney (Sweden)
Chief Specialist Digital Broadcast and Account Director

Is a business and creative leader with 19 years of experience within advertising and marketing with focus on broadcasting and digital strategy. He was a Sr. Promo Producer at SBS Broadcasting for over 9 years and then moved on to TV4Group, the biggest media house in the Nordics, where he stayed 7 years and worked as Head of Advertising and was responsible for the marketing for all their brands on all platforms, both B2C and B2B. During his career he has been part of the transition from traditional advertising to digital and online based on demand solutions and content. He has developed multiplatform digital media brand strategies, ranging from TV campaigns to digital content marketing plans for social media and web.

Today in his role as Chief Specialist Digital Broadcast at Chimney – The creation agency, he can see that we no longer watch TV as we used to. The young generation is raised with smartphones and tablets using streaming services such as Netflix and HBO and they are used to watch what they want, when they want and where they want on YouTube. This means great challenges for communicators and brand owners, as they no longer can rely on the success of TV commercials aired on prime time. Johan strongly believes in the power of moving images and helps his clients to constantly challenge and innovate the ways they engage with their audience no matter when and where they are.
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