Witkor Kiełczykowski
Horda (Poland)

Wiktor Kiełczykowski is a director, cinematographer, screenwriter and satirist. Gratuated in the Academy of Film and Television. Author of short feature films, scripts, commercials (TV commercial for “Piękno i Pasja” magazine) and also comedy shows. Since 2012 he developed various content for his channel in You Tube. As a director he co-worked with UEFA, PKP, PGE, SUPHER-PHARM, TUS Fundation. He lead a workshop of filmmaking and acting for kids and adults. Under the supervision of Andrzej Kotkowski he wrote a script to “Purgatorium” a full –length metaphysics horror movie, which according to his own words will be his cinema debut. Andrzej Kotkowski a multiple award-winning director, empahises that Wiktor was one of the best screenwriters he ever teach. In 2012 he took part in the 48h festival. “Koncepcja” – a film with his script won an audience award,. An interesting fact is that Wiktor also acted in this movie.
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